
Mei Lanfang Theatre



Mei Lanfang Theatre is a tailored performance venue for Peking Opera which embodies the essence of traditional Chinese arts and expectations from generations of Peking Opera fans. The design adopts the concept of "modern architecture carrying traditional culture", that is, the building is designed to be a vessel that holds the essence of traditional culture. Highlighting the second layer of connotation of traditional culture, "nothing as something", architects, artists, interior designers and curtain wall specialists worked creatively together. The theme wall adopts a scattered pattern of wood carvings inspired by the "Zhe-Zhi-Hua-Niao" technique developed in the Five Dynasties period. Against the vermilion background, the imagery of classic Chinese painting and the language of traditional wood carving celebrate glamorously Peking Opera's 300 years of history and its connotation of traditional culture. Seeing from afar,the theme wall resembles both a chess board and giant doors with golden door nails, symbolizing the gate to traditional Chinese culture. The elegant wood carvings, with classic opera scenes, figures and stage props on top, tell the history of Peking Opera.

As the first performance venue tailored for Peking Opera, the design elaborates on the audience's experience: re-organized stage-apron area to release more space for the opera orchestra; unique fore-stage design to allow smaller shows in a large venue; auditorium catered for Peking Opera's closer-seats preference and domestic consumer habits; to be creative while rigorous, the design team tested with 1:1 model, being the first among domestic performance venues.

Project label


2009 China Engineering and Consulting Award (3rd Prize for Construction Project), 5th Architectural Creation Award of Architectural Society of China (Excellent Award), Architectural Creation Award of Architectural Society of China

Completion time



Xicheng District, Beijing

Design time


Floor area


